Gay bars atlanta alone

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Meetup offers countless opportunities to connect with gays right in your city – looking for a group of lezzies to see the final Harry Potter with Friday night? Done. Gay guys have Grindr, the iPhone app that’s essentially gay GPS for random hookups. The piece discusses the relevance of gay bars in our current lives, when we don’t necessarily need to leave the house to get our daily dose of gay interaction and community, thanks to the internet and sites like Autostraddle and AfterEllen. Why does so much of our culture take place in or around gay bars? Slate launched a six-part series last week examining the history, competition, implications and future of gay bar culture in our lives. When gay marriage passed in New York, every queer I know ran to gather and celebrate in the streets outside The Stonewall Inn, site of the eponymous 1969 riots that launched a new era of gay rights activism. It might have been where you arranged your first 3-D date with an online friend, or where you met the girls who later became your lesbian posse. It was likely equal parts traumatizing, thrilling and sweat inducing.

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LGBTQ Television Guide: What To Watch Now.

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